The life and times of the Redding family.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lavender Scones, Tea Party, and Cookie Exchange.

This is the time of year that I really get into baking. I feel like I have been baking for weeks. Sarah, Hannah, and Esther also help me. Sarah bakes for our visitor baskets we deliver to first time visitors at church. For several weeks our ladies class has been preparing packages for our college students and deployed military so I have been baking for that. I also have several children with birthdays in November. So I have been baking a lot.

Tonight for our monthly Ladies Night Out we held a tea party /cookie exchange. We had poetry, prayer, games, prizes, beautifully decorated tables, good food, china tea cups and tea. Several ladies came with really wonderful hats and received prizes for going the extra mile. We had several varieties of quiche, scones, a wonderful salad, and cookies and tea. I made an asparagus-onion quiche, lavender scones, and lemon poppy seed scones. I also shared my lavender tea.

For our cookie exchange we each brought 4.5 dozen cookies (54 cookies of one type). We each put 6 cookies on the dessert table and 4 dozen on the exchange table. After all of our fun and games we went by tables and each took a container. We went down the row of cookies and took 2 from each tray to make our trays to take home. This is so much quicker and easier than having a couple of ladies divide the cookies and package them. There was a wonderful array of cookies. A friend and I went together. We decided to make Fruitcake cookies and Molasses Cookies. We each came home with a tray of assorted cookies like the one pictured above.

I will try to post some recipes soon from our Ladies Night Out and cookie exchange.

1 comment:

tootlepip said...

you are one of the busiest people I know!