I was reading a post from Becca on Facebook and it really got my thoughts going in a positive direction.
There are so many good people in this world! People who fill the world with kindness. People who are generous to others in amazing ways. I thought about my parents who set an example of concern for others while I was still young. Their example continues on as they share with their own community to this day. I thought about my in-laws who have lived such a life and continue to live this life of service. Our parents not only share with others but they help others to share as well. I thought about my own kids and the good things they do in their own communities and around the world. Last year our church youth group was given a challenge: 10,000 hours of service in 2010. There were probably only 50 participants in this activity.
Below are "some" of the things in which they participated:
Working at Delano Bay camp to get it ready for the summer.
Feeding the homeless and giving them basic items needed.
Walk 4 Water raising funds to drill a well in Haiti
Worked at the headquarters of Healing Hands International to get things ready for drip irrigation and package items for shipment.
Washing fire trucks.
Building sets and props for VBS
Conducting VBS for a small church.
Yard work for individuals who really needed some help.
Major landscaping project for a retirement community
Serving and singing at a senior center in the Dalles, Oregon
Spending time with some soldiers in a Veterans Home
Washing dishes for a week at a time at church camp
Counseling at church camp, soccer camps, Camp Auburn, etc.
Painting the teen cottage
Relay for Life
Sending cards to sick, shut-ins, etc.
Battered Women's Shelter Christmas project
Fall Festival - advertise, set up, conduct, greet for a community Fall Festival
Bread Ministry - pick up and distribute bread to those who could use it
Men's Breakfast - helped set up and decorate
Volunteer at the public library
These are just "some" of the things. There are so many more. They did surpass their goal!
It made me think of all those people I know in many different parts of the country who help in their own neighborhoods. If I calculated the hours of those who touch my life from all over the USA there would be hundreds of thousands of hours. I know we don't need to keep some kind of tally of all we do or all those around us do for others, but it sure gives me a lift to consider the possibilities. I am thankful for all of you my friends, neighbors, relatives who give so much!
When the world seems so bad just think of all those people who are doing some amazing things in your neighborhood, church, work, contact list and be thankful!
There really are a lot of kind and generous people in this world! These people are blessed as they bless others.
Please share some of the service projects you have been involved in recently.
A few of the service projects we do:
* donating to our benevolence pantry
* writing our service members and praying for them
* making cooling ties for the troops
* sending out condolences and comfort quilts to families who have lost a member in the war
* taking food to the sick and shut ins
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